This series was made during my injuries in June 2022 until after my back surgery in March 2023.

LOST Chapter ll is a continuing series of visual art self-portraits of nature and my trip to Japan, Taiwan, and NYC in 2022/23. Each of those locations took me on a

journey of the past, present, and future. It is like I was in a time-trapped experience but in a good way to see that everything is connected no matter what, when, or where. It was the beginning of an understanding that anything that happens to me is good for me, even though the physical and mental pain I am experiencing. It made me understand that we grow up in pain and I used it as fuel for creating this project.

X-ray photos represent the invisible me I left at those locations, which somehow connected me at that moment.

Not everything is visible to human eyes,

Open your heart to see the light,

What’s invisible becomes visible to you.